Looking for support as you prepare for college? Sign up with Success Boston to get a coach who will help you get ready for, get into and get through college.

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Seeking to double the number of Boston students who complete college

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"We are proud to be doing it the hard way, the honest way. And we are exceedingly proud that it is working."

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Together, the Boston Foundation, the Boston Public Schools (BPS), the City of Boston, 37 area institutions of higher education and local nonprofit partners are working to double the college completion rate for students from the BPS.  To date, over 6,000 students have participated in Success Boston coaching. They are more likely than their peers to persist and graduate from postsecondary education.


Success Boston Leadership Council
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Join us for the release of the latest report from Success Boston about the impact of transition coaching on the college success of Boston Public Schools graduates. The report focuses on the BPS Classes of 2015 and 2016, and includes outcomes such as college persistence, college GPA, and the renewal of Federal Student Aid applications (FAFSA).

Click to watch the event video
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This report, conducted by the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute for Success Boston, finds that Boston students have access to unprecedented levels of support for getting into and persisting in college, but that the effectiveness of those supports would be increased by improved coordination and sharing among schools, community organizations and higher education institutions.

Download the report
Vitas mori. Albus orexiss ducunt ad gabalium. Ubi est altus nomen? Liberi de castus bubo, pugna species! Persuadere diligenter ducunt ad bi-color barcas.


A new Success Boston report from the Boston Private Industry Council about the college enrollment and completion experiences of high school graduates of the Boston Public Schools was released at a Boston Foundation forum on April 11, 2018. The report includes an updated six-year college completion rate for the BPS Class of 2011, as well as new analyses on the types of degrees they earned and the fields of study they selected. 

Watch a video of the forum
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To get connected to a Success Boston coach, please fill out our Student Intake Form.

View our Recruitment Flyer to learn more about the coaching organizations students can work with. 

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  • Connect you with resources and activities on-campus
  • Help you address personal and academic challenges
  • Support you as you navigate the financial aid process
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